Tag: Adult

Following the Stars to Freedom – Part Two

If you go the city of Bristol, in the United Kingdom, which is my home…
If you walk down the cobbled path that lead to and from the old port…
You might just discover, down a forgotten street, a small inn, called The Seven Stars. Named after the constellation “The Drinking Gourd”, “The Big Dipper” or “The Plough”. Why? Read on …

Following the Stars to Freedom – Part One

There was once a young girl who dreamed … During the daytime – she spent her time stitching, learning to make the beautiful beaded necklaces, vests and shoes, that her people made and traded across the land. And then at night, she was so tired that she fell into a deep and dreamless sleep. As she grew up, her skill for beading became admired by all. And then, one night she dreamed. And in her dream, she saw a star-lit path leading away from her people.

The Weaving Maiden

Long ago, the Father of the Sky still lived with the Gods and Goddesses in the Heavens. And he ruled both the Earth and the Sky, with power over all people, both mortal and immortal. The Father of the Sky had just one child, a daughter. And her task was to weave the fabric of the Sky into life both day and night.

Sharing the Sky

Long ago, in the Prairies of America, where the tall, tall grass stretches as far as the eye can see …
There was once, a young man who went walking at night, following the light of the stars. There was no cloud in the sky, and as he walked he looked up and marvelled to see the sky shimmering from blue to black and the stars so silver and bright.
“This” he said to himself, “is a special night.”