Tag: Craters

The Woman in the Moon

Long ago on the island of Hawaii, there lived an old woman, Heena. And Heena was so old, that no-one could rightly remember when she had been born.  She herself had given birth to twenty-two children and now she spent her time cooking and cleaning for all her children’s children.  And Heena felt old. She didn’t know how old she was, but she knew she was old. And she was tired. She was tired of all the cooking and cleaning, that had filled her days from dawn to dusk, for so many years. All she wanted was a rest.

The Man on the Moon

Long ago in Vietnam, at the edge of the rainforest, there was a house. 
And in that house lived a young man. He had very few possessions, a knife, a cooking pot and a dog, that he had found lost as a puppy wandering alone through the forest and limping from a damaged leg. The young man and his dog were inseparable. They went everywhere and did everything together.  Every day, they would walk into the forest, looking for scraps of wood. The man would gather the pieces of wood into a bundle and then they would take them to market to sell to the traders who worked there. And with the money they made from the wood, they bought food for their supper to eat.

Science Activity: Cosmic Craters

The Moon has a rocky surface covered in craters. Many other planets in the solar system have similarly cratered surfaces, including the Earth. We don’t see so many craters on the Earth because of the combined effects of weathering and plate tectonics. The Moon has no atmosphere and no plate tectonics, so the cratering that happened in the early stages of the Solar System’s history is well-preserved today.