Category: Story (page 3 of 5)

The Girl Who Married the Morning Star

Imagine, that there is a prairie that stretches as far as the eye can see… With tall, golden grass that rustles gently in the breeze. And above the grass, there is the endless blue of the sky. And in the middle of that prairie, there is a circle of tents. And in the middle of circle of tents, there is a fire.  And sat round the fire, are the people, the first people of America. And they are talking, laughing, singing, drumming around the fire as the flames dance into the sky.

The Land of the Northern Lights

Long ago, It was said that of all the Nations of America, that the people of the Abenaki Nation were the best at hunting. As soon as the children were old enough to walk, they learned to walk so softly upon the ground, their feet never made a sound. As soon as they could hold a bow, they learnt to hunt and to kill with just one shot of an arrow. And it was said that the greatest hunter of them all, was Chief M’Sarrto, who’s name means Morning Star.

Setting Free the Sun

Long ago, in the time before there was a country called Mexico, the people who lived in that land were called the Maya. They lived high in the mountains and deep in the rainforest that spread across the land, we now call Mexico. And, in the edge of the rainforest, there was a village, and in that village, there was a house, And in that house, there lived a family.

A Ladder to the Moon

Long ago, on an island in the Caribbean sea… There lived a King, in a magnificent palace that was built by the sea, so that he could sit at night on his throne and look out to sea. And the King sat and looked every night, and he noticed something very strange.  The Moon in the sky, seemed to change shape. Every night, it looked different! How could this be?

How the Caribbean People Discovered the Planet Earth

Long ago, when the world began, according to Caribbean legend, the very first people did not live on the planet Earth – No, no, no, no! No, no, no, no! No, no, no, no! They lived far away on the Moon- Yes, yes, yes, yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes! And they kept the Moon sparkling, shining, shimmering, silvery clean!

How Coyote Created the Sun

Long ago, when the world began. The world was perfect. It was blue and green and perfect. There was enough food, there was enough water, it was perfect. All the animals and humans lived happily together, side by side. Everything was perfect, perfect, perfect. Except … For one problem!

Dancing with the Stars

Long ago, when the world began. The stars shone in the sky so brightly,
they seemed to shimmer and sparkle. It looked as if they were dancing through the sky. Coyote, the wild dog of America, he used to go out into long, long grass of the prairie and gaze up at the stars at night. He would look up at the stars and wish and wish and wish that he could join them and dance across the sky.

Why We Have Both Day and Night

Long ago, when the world began, there was no Day and there was no Night, because, the Sun and the Moon had not yet been created. There was no light and there was no dark, everything was grey! Grey, grey, grey, grey, grey!  And it was very difficult to see anything at all!

The Man on the Moon

Long ago in Vietnam, at the edge of the rainforest, there was a house. 
And in that house lived a young man. He had very few possessions, a knife, a cooking pot and a dog, that he had found lost as a puppy wandering alone through the forest and limping from a damaged leg. The young man and his dog were inseparable. They went everywhere and did everything together.  Every day, they would walk into the forest, looking for scraps of wood. The man would gather the pieces of wood into a bundle and then they would take them to market to sell to the traders who worked there. And with the money they made from the wood, they bought food for their supper to eat.

Planting the Seed of Honesty

Long ago, in China… There was a King, the King of all China, the wealthiest of Kings, in all the lands. Now, this King, he had everything that money could buy. Except … For the one thing he really wanted, which was a child.  A son or a daughter to be Queen or King after him. Now China was full of children, there were many children to choose from, to be the next Queen or King. How could he decide which was the right child to choose?

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