Tag: What are the Sun Moon and Earth made of?

Science Activity: Solar System Touch Boxes

This activity uses touch boxes to illustrate some important characteristics of some Solar System objects and the differences between them. Children will be able to sense the differences in materials between several solar system bodies using everyday items as an analogy. This activity uses simple, easy to source materials, but the boxes do need to be assembled in advance.

Paddling to the Moon

Long ago in the part of the island that is now called Papua New Guinea…
At the edge of the island there was a village. And in that village there was a house. And in that house there lived two brothers, twins, identical twins. They looked alike, they talked alike and whatever they did, they did alike.  And whatever they did, they always did together!  They were fishermen, so they slept throughout the day.  But, when the Sun began to set and the Moon began to rise…